Adriana Corvalan's eBook

My eBook titled Short Story Collection from the Past Year is about short stories I’ve written in the past year. In other words, the context of my piece is explained in the title. I included most of my short stories from the past year in one ebook because it would be easier for me to save since they will be on my phone and laptop forever. I also decided to add these short stories because I wanted to try and master Caliber. I created a table of contents, page numbers, chapter name, and title in Caliber because of the four short stories I used. As I mentioned many times before in ENGH 377, creating an eBook has been an incredible yet surprising experience. It was awesome because I made my own book; it was surprising because it was cost-effective and extremely easy to make. Creating this eBook has been very rewarding, and I look forward to being a master of Caliber.

I hope you enjoy my eBook and its layout!