My ELC Review - Week 5

I have chosen to review David Knoebel's "Thoughts go," at link This work is meant to be viewed through a digital form because it allows random words or phrases to pop up at the viewer without us do anything special for those words/phrases to pop up. I like the name of this ELC because its name certainly fits the websites' purpose. If this work were produced in a traditional medium, it wouldn't be as effective because random thoughts would not pop up to the reader. If random words/phrases/ sentences were to be in a traditional format, the reader would be confused or bored with what's being presented to them, let alone question what they invested their money in.

The tools the author used is all HTML. He used specific codes to allow his work to be as interactive as it is. The reader's engagement with his work allows his viewers to remain engaged to what he has created. I believe he has used this to his advantage because it shows the hundreds of thoughts a person may go through within a few seconds/minutes. Again, if this work were to be in the traditional format, then it wouldn't be as engaging because the digital experience molds this entire ELC.

Swimming fish